Product ID: 2197
CANchecked MCE18 (V3) CAN input module

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CANchecked MCE18 (V3) CAN input module

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CANchecked MCE18 (V3) CAN input module

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CANchecked MCE18 (V3) CAN input module

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CANchecked MCE18 (V3) CAN input module

CANchecked MCE18 (V3) CAN input module


Adds 9 analog, 9 digital input and 3 low side outputs over CAN with this module. Made in Germany by CANchecked.

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More information

  • 9st digitala inputs.
  • 9st analoga inputs (4st has optional built-in 1k1 pullup)
  • 3 digital outputs (on/off LOW SIDE 0.5A) (new in v2!)
Inputs are configured with the user CAN input functions.
New V3 hardware