Product ID: 1884
Terminated engine harness - Volvo T5

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Terminated engine harness - Volvo T5

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Terminated engine harness - Volvo T5

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Terminated engine harness - Volvo T5

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Terminated engine harness - Volvo T5

Terminated engine harness - Volvo T5


Terminated engine harness for Volvo T5. Also suitable for VVTi engines.

in stock
More information

NOTE! VAG ignition coils must be used Bosch standard injector connectors
Suitable for both MaxxECU STREET and MaxxECU V1/RACE/PRO.
MaxxECU V1/RACE/PRO has full functionality but connected with MaxxECU STREET the stock idle stepper and VVT won't work.
Must be completed with VAG ignition coils. See tech spec for full specification.

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